
Well, hello there!

“Everything Sunny All the Time, Always” is here to bring a little bit of sunshine into your world.  And a little bit of funny.  And crazy.  And absurd.  Don’t worry, you’re safe here.  The title of this blog is a nod to my favorite television show, 30 Rock.  Since I believe it to be one of the funniest series, well ever, I knew it would be inspiration in helping me write.

Who am I?  A 30-something single gal, who recently moved back in with her parents.  Yes, that’s right, my parents.  In my childhood home, in my (still) purple bedroom, with a cork board proudly displaying high school photos and magazines clipping from the 90s.  I moved back to help out my aging parents – well, aging in the fact that they’re (only) in their early 60s and recently stopped working and therefore have nothing to do and are bored and depressed.  More on that later.

You’ll get to hear a lot of my parents in this blog, especially my mom.  She’s Asian and although she moved here almost 40 years ago, has a very thick accent that most have trouble understanding.  That’s right, it’s exactly the stereotype that you’re thinking – she’s not a Tiger Mom, she’s her own kind of crazy.  You’re gonna love it.

Besides my current living situation, I intend to discuss other parts of my life (working, dating), as well as various current events being shown by the media.  So yes, be prepared for anything.  Especially since I live in Florida, and ALL THINGS CRAZY start here.  Don’t believe me?  Listen to the news tonight, or in the weeks ago, you’ll see what I’m talking about.  All the nuttiest stories come out of here – teachers dating students, radical churches burning Korans, our inability to vote properly…yeah, that one hurt.  There are sites dedicated to the “wacky” news of Florida; we’re just that good.

Which is sorta how I came upon the title of this blog.  I never realized how literal the nickname was, “The Sunshine State,” until I moved away for a decade and experienced the real weather of the North (think: cloudy for days).  It certainly made me appreciate the insane bright sunshine when I visited, and when I returned.

In the 30 Rock episode featuring this line (and the title of the episode), it’s Margaret Cho playing Kim Jong-il, who gives the weather forecast for North Korea:

So, while life is not always sunny, we can certainly try to make them believe it is (blatantly lie to?).

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